Cole's World

Cole’s World came about when Cole Hernandez was diagnosed with Leukemia in January 2019, at the age of 8.

About Cole’s World

Cole’s World came about when Cole Hernandez was diagnosed with Leukemia in January 2019, at the age of 8.

We noticed while he was hospitalized for 7 months straight that most kids were not as fortunate as Cole to have access to their favourite things – including iPads, personal bedding, toys, games, and a bedroom that was fully decorated to keep the positive momentum. Most of the parents had to make sacrifices and changes – which included leaving jobs and resulting in single-family incomes to ensure that support could be granted 24/7 for their sick children in the hospital. This is of course even more challenging for single parents or parents from other countries. In seeing all this in action, we – together with Cole – noticed that more could be done here and began talking about Cole’s World – an idea to help other kids and families. This charity would provide kids with a room away from home. They would get a full bedding set of their choice, a laptop or iPad, toys, video games, books, puzzles, a customized stuffed animal with their name on it and much more. The intent is to provide a completely decorated and personalized room – one that would take their minds off the painful and uncomfortable chemotherapy treatments and the side effects. We know firsthand and saw noticeable changes in Cole when we were able to provide him the extra special support. Two weeks before his passing we discussed Cole’s World and he wanted us to continue with this charity in his name. He wanted to help other kids. That is why it is important that we use Cole’s World as the name.

In addition to the above, our Foundation will also shed light and raise awareness with minority communities on the importance of being a blood/ Stem Cell and Bone Marrow donor. This is very important to us because there was only one donor match for Cole, which unfortunately did not work out. We firmly believe in ensuring we spread awareness, share with our community, and give back exactly what Cole wanted us to do.